Google Celebrating Saul Bass

Google Celebrating Saul Bass

Loving the "doodle" on Google today, inspired by Saul Bass, celebrating what would have been his 93rd birthday. Wouldn't have noticed if I wasn't following Onionmag, thanks guys! Great to see that their website is up again, with a...

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Very Cool Stop Motion Animation

Got really inspired when I came across this beautiful little papercraft stop motion film by Chris Turner, Helen Friel and Jess Deacon the other day. Just wanted to share it with those of you who have not seen it.

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3D Visualisation

Lamp design by Frøystad + Klock visualised by me in 3D.

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Oslo Book Fair 2008

On the weekend I attended Oslo Book Fair 2008 in Lillestrøm. I had made a video loop displaying the books of Vega Forlag and Spartacus Forlag, that was shown on their stand. I wanted to make sure it was...

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Computer Arts Graduate Showcase now available

Issue 137 of Computer Arts, which contains the Graduate Showcase, should be available in shops today (across the UK anyway). My work is right at the end of the Showcase in the 'Video and Broadcast' section. They have featured...

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Animation is Up!

My animation section is finally up and running for you to have a look. There are some minor issues still (the replay button doesn't work), but I hope to fix that soon. There is a new piece in the illustration...

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Great Animation!

Check this one out: Whiteboard Animation Lovely hand drawn psychedelic animation by runnerboy16.

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