Very Cool Stop Motion Animation

Got really inspired when I came across this beautiful little papercraft stop motion film by Chris Turner, Helen Friel and Jess Deacon the other day. Just wanted to share it with those of you who have not seen it.

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David Pearson Talk and WordCamp

Really enjoyed David Pearson's talk (@typeasimage) at Grafill today. Inspiring book cover design with excellent typography. Also WordCamp this weekend was a very useful experience. Thanks to the guys at Metronet for being so generous hosts, and to Even Alander...

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Internet Goodies and Great Books

I just thought that I'd try and point out to people some sweet stuff that has given me inspiration lately. 1. First off is a treat for people who enjoy origami. Check out the "moneygami" at the A.R.T. blog for...

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Great Animation!

Check this one out: Whiteboard Animation Lovely hand drawn psychedelic animation by runnerboy16.

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Just saw a video demonstration of a new game for Playstation 3 called LittleBigPlanet and I was so excited I had to share it with you. The game basically lets you create the environment you play in yourself and also...

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